mattachine REVIEW
SUBSCRIPTIONS: $4 per year in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, single copies 50 cents. $5 per year elsewhere. All copies mailed first class sealed in plain envelope.
STAFF: Publications Director and Editor, Hal Call, Business Manager, D. Stewart Lucas, Production Director, Henry Foster, Jr Edit orial Board Richard Mayer, Gonzalo Segura, Jr. Carl B. Harding. MANUSCRIPTS: Original articles, reviews of current books, letters and comment for publication are solicited on a no-fee basis. Where return of manuscript is desired. first class postage should be included.
ADVERTISEMENTS: Accepted only from publishers and/or authors of books, magazines and periodicals concerning homosexual and related sex behavior subjects, and from book stores or mail order bock services in this field Rates upon application. Publisher reserves right to reject any and all advertising
OFFICE OF PUBLICATION (to which all communications shouid be addressed) 693 Mission Street, San Francisco 5, Calif. Telephone EXbrook 7-0773.
from now on
one incorporated 232 S. Hill St.
Los Angeles 12, California
Yes, that's right. Even if it makes more work for our printer, we have found that we must serve REVIEW readers with a monthly magazine on newsstands as well as by mail. So from now on, look for your new issue
of the REVIEW about the 1st of each month at your news dealers. If he does not now carry the REVIEW, why not send his name to us so we can arrange to supply copies every month from now on?
(Remember you can save $2 per year and
get your copy by first class mail you subscribe. It's only $4 for 12 issues.)
ONE MAGAZINE-deals primarily with homosexuality from the scientific, historical and criticol point of view. It contains articles, short stories, poetry, news Items, book reviews and letters from readers. A popular magazine has called it 'The Voice of U. S. homosexuals.' Subscriptions $5 per year in U. S., Canada and Mexico, $6 elsewhere; all coples mailed first class sealed. Single issues 50 cents each, postpaid.
ONE INSTITUTE-planned adult education facil· ity, offering college level courses in socio-sexual studies. Write for information.
ONE BOOK SERVICE-handles distribution of all books published by One, Inc., as well as other current and recent titles on homosexual and related themes. Write for latest listings.
...a mystic bond of brotherhood makes all men one.'
mattachine REVIEW
mattaching REVIEW